
Massa proposed that "robotics" and "programming" be mandatory subjects in secondary school

The intention is to add them starting in the 2024 school year, as announced by the Minister of Economy and candidate of Unión por la Patria during a meeting with entrepreneurs from the knowledge economy, in which the secretary of the area, Juan Manuel Cheppi, also participated.

  • 03/11/2023 • 17:46

The Minister of Economy and candidate for president of Unión por la Patria (UxP), Sergio Massa, held a meeting this Friday with businessmen from the knowledge economy in Mar del Plata, where he anticipated the intention of establishing "robotics" in his government and "programming" as compulsory subjects for secondary level students. "Our intention is to establish robotics and programming as mandatory subjects for secondary level starting in 2024 as a result of the strong rise of the knowledge industry," said Massa during a meeting of poles and clusters (a concentration of interconnected companies and institutions in a specific field) of technology that met at the La Normandina complex in this city and was convened by Aticma, an entity that brings together technology firms.